《火影忍者:究极忍者风暴(Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm)》是一款由CyberConnect2 Co. Ltd.制作BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment发行的动作格斗类游戏,本作采用了更加真实刺激的多轴作战系统,游戏的作战场地再也不局限在一两个平面!另外本次采用三人小队作战系统,在战斗中玩家可以让队友协助进行攻击。在任务模式中,有共计100个任务等待你的挑战,从中你更能再次体验动画原作的经典剧情。
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM allows players to battle in full 3D across massive environments. Players will unleash powerful jutsu attacks, perform acrobatic evasive maneuvers and even run up walls and over water as they pursue their opponent for ninja supremacy. Players will be able to customize their character’s fighting style and recruit up to two support characters to put their own stamp on the action. NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM has been remastered in HD.
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
- 操作系统: Windows (64bit) 7 or higher up to date
- 处理器: Intel Core2 Duo, 3.0GHz – AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6400+ 3.2GHz
- 内存: 2 GB RAM
- 显卡: 1024 MB video card
- DirectX 版本: 11
- 存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统

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