《刺客信条:启示录》(Assassin’s Creed: Revelations)是法国育碧(Ubisoft)公司推出的3D动作冒险系列游戏的刺客信条系列第四部作品。该作品由育碧蒙特利尔制作室领导开发,加之安纳西、Massive、魁北克、新加坡布加勒斯特制作室的合力协作。《刺客信条:启示录》讲述传奇主人公Ezio追随着其先导Altair的脚步,踏上了探索真相之旅的过程,然而,这是一段极其危险的征程,它将带着Ezio来到奥斯曼帝国的中心君士坦丁堡,在那里一支日益强大的圣殿骑士正威胁着城堡。游戏于2011年11月15日在PS3、XBOX360发行,PC版于2011年11月29日发行。
名称: Assassin’s Creed® Revelations
类型: 动作, 冒险
开发商: Ubisoft Montreal
发行商: Ubisoft
系列: Assassin’s Creed
发行日期: 2011 年 12 月 1 日
- 系统: Windows® XP SP3 / Windows Vista® SP2 /Windows® 7 SP1
- Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo E4400 @ 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4000+ @ 2.1GHz
- Memory: 1.5 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista, 7
- Graphics: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (see supported list)*
- DirectX®: DirectX® June2010 or newer
- 容量: 12 GB
- Sound: DirectX 9.0–compliant sound card
当刺客没有对手的时候,他的旅程又将往哪去?放下一切,寻找真相!在最新一代《刺客细条:启示录》中,刺客大师 Ezio Auditore 不自主的追随着传奇祖先 Altaïr的脚步,踏上寻找真相与启示之旅。故事中将会引领 Ezio 来到鄂图曼帝国(Ottoman Empire)的心脏地带君士坦丁堡(Constantinople),圣殿骑士团以此作为据点并日渐壮大、为这个地区的稳定带来巨大的变数。除了延续Ezio丰富的故事情节外,有着全新游戏模式、地图与角色的多人联机游戏也将出现在《刺客细条:启示录》中,让玩家能与世界上的其他玩家对抗,一展你的刺客技能。
更为致命的暗杀技巧:扮演拥有更高明、精进暗杀技巧的Ezio,凭借更加高超的跑跳系统、钩刀作战等能力与武器来迅速解决对手;在游戏中更增加自制炸弹的新系统,并使用强化的鹰眼视觉(Eagle Sense)在恶劣环境下解决敌人,让你自由决定属于你的战斗风格。
- OS: Windows® XP SP3 / Windows Vista® SP2
- Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo E4400 @ 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4000+ @ 2.1GHz
- Memory: 1.5 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista, 7
- Graphics: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (see supported list)*
- DirectX®: DirectX® June2010 or newer
- Hard Drive: 12 GB
- Sound: DirectX 9.0–compliant sound card
- Peripherals: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller
- Internet: Temporary broadband connection required for one-time product registration at first launch, permanent broadband connection required for multi-player.
*This product does not support Windows® 98/ME/2000/NT
Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:AMD Radeon™ HD2600XT or better/3000/4000/5000/6000 desktop series
NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600GTS or better/9/GT200/GT400/GT500 desktop series
Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT officially supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. For the most up-to-date minimum requirement listings, please visit the FAQ for this game on our support website at http://support.ubi.com.
- OS: Windows® XP SP3 / Windows Vista® SP2
- Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo E6700 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 6000+ @ 3.0 GHz or better
- Memory: 2 GB Windows® XP / Windows Vista® / Windows® 7
- Graphics: 512 MB DirectX® 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 5.0 or higher (see supported list)*
- DirectX®: DirectX® June2010 or newer
- Hard Drive: 12 GB
- Sound: Surround Sound 5.1 capable sound card
- Peripherals: Keyboard, mouse, joystick optional (Xbox 360® Controller for Windows recommended)
- Internet: Temporary broadband connection required for one-time product registration at first launch, permanent broadband connection required for multi-player.
*This product does not support Windows® 98/ME/2000/NT
Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:AMD Radeon™ HD2600XT or better/3000/4000/5000/6000 desktop series
NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600GTS or better/9/GT200/GT400/GT500 desktop series
Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT officially supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. For the most up-to-date minimum requirement listings, please visit the FAQ for this game on our support website at http://support.ubi.com.
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